Damon and Pythias
So what *did* we do????
Uuuuuh... let me think. Oh yeah.
From 50 Famous Stories: Damon and Pythias
There's nothing like that completely... bored... look on your kids' faces. I found this story about friendship, loyalty, and sacrifice rewarded to be deeply touching, but my kids grappled a bit with the concepts. We did some narration (which went something like this "Uh, there was a guy. Can't remember his name. He did something. I don't remember what..."), but they could generally re-tell me the story at the time, but the next day they couldn't seem to remember it. At all. "Pythias who? Damon what?" This weekend, I think we'll be doing some writing and/or drawing to see if we can get this *very cool* story to stick.
A Laconic Answer
There's nothing like that completely... bored... look on your kids' faces. I found this story about friendship, loyalty, and sacrifice rewarded to be deeply touching, but my kids grappled a bit with the concepts. We did some narration (which went something like this "Uh, there was a guy. Can't remember his name. He did something. I don't remember what..."), but they could generally re-tell me the story at the time, but the next day they couldn't seem to remember it. At all. "Pythias who? Damon what?" This weekend, I think we'll be doing some writing and/or drawing to see if we can get this *very cool* story to stick.
A Laconic Answer
Aesop's Fables:
"Belling the Cat" (pg. 11 in the Milo Winter version) and
"The Eagle and the Jackdaw" (pg. 12 in the Milo Winter version)
Burgess's Bird Book chapter I "Jenny Wren Arrives: Introducing the House Wren" (pictures for each bird)
Paddle to the Sea: chapters 1 and 2
We actually did this chapter last week before we left on our camping trip. After reading chapters 1 and 2, we took some crushed ice and placed it on top of slightly tilted pie plates and then melted it on low with the warm "sun" (blowdryer). Our "Paddle" was a small flower petal. They had fun making him run from one pie pan to another, and blowing him around the edges of the pan to make "currents". I was surprised at how intrigued my kids were with Paddle, and saw that they'd really absorbed the story when we took it to the mountains and spent their happiest hours racing various "Paddles" down creeks and waterfalls, crying out "Goodbye, Paddle to the Sea!"
A Child's Garden of Verses: a poem every day
Composer: Beethoven
I've just had "Beethoven lives Upstairs" on repeat in the morning while we did our chores, and hoped that some of the stories and melodies would sink in. I think it's beginning to, as I heard Emily loudly singing "Ode to Joy" this morning at the table.
Art: watercolor waterfalls
Paddle to the Sea: chapters 1 and 2
We actually did this chapter last week before we left on our camping trip. After reading chapters 1 and 2, we took some crushed ice and placed it on top of slightly tilted pie plates and then melted it on low with the warm "sun" (blowdryer). Our "Paddle" was a small flower petal. They had fun making him run from one pie pan to another, and blowing him around the edges of the pan to make "currents". I was surprised at how intrigued my kids were with Paddle, and saw that they'd really absorbed the story when we took it to the mountains and spent their happiest hours racing various "Paddles" down creeks and waterfalls, crying out "Goodbye, Paddle to the Sea!"
A Child's Garden of Verses: a poem every day
Composer: Beethoven
I've just had "Beethoven lives Upstairs" on repeat in the morning while we did our chores, and hoped that some of the stories and melodies would sink in. I think it's beginning to, as I heard Emily loudly singing "Ode to Joy" this morning at the table.
Art: watercolor waterfalls
Fell to the wayside this week?? Nature study. Artist study. Extra reading in The Jungle Book.
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