Saturday, August 20, 2011

2011: Fall Term

This term, I'm homeschooling because:

1. My oldest is going to be baptized next June, and the most important thing she can be learning about right now is
baptism and
the Gift of the Holy Ghost.

2. My children were put together, in our family,
by Heavenly Father.
They have things they need to learn from each other
that no friend in this world can teach them.
We need to be together.

3. As a mother, I need more of a purpose
than to take my kids to and from school.
I homeschool so that I can fulfull my calling on this planet.

4. I want to solidify our educational foundations.
Each of my children has weaknesses and strengths,
and they both need more of my attention.

5. To broad our horizons, as a family.
To discover together and learn together and be amazed together.

6. To meet new people and be more involved in our community.

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