Friday, June 24, 2011

Ambleside: Week 3 Planning

Coming up in week 3 (ohpleaseohplease let me do a better job than this week!)...

The Bible and Hymn
"Nearer My God to Thee"
3rd Commandment: Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain.
4th Commandment: Thou shalt remember the Sabbath Day to keep it holy.

An Island Story: chapter 2 "The Coming of the Romans"

Fifty Famous Stories Retold: "The Brave Three Hundred"
The story of the Spartans taking a stand against the Persian Army and how 300 brave men killed 20,000 Persian soldiers. As I read this, two lines stood out to me:
"No, we will be free."
"To the Spartans there was no such thing as fear."

Aesop's Fables:
"The Boy and the Filberts" (pg. 12 in the Milo Winter version)
"Hercules and the Wagoner" (pg. 13 in the Milo Winter version)

Blue Fairy Book: "Beauty and the Beast" OR "The Glass Slipper"

A Child's Garden of Verses: a poem every day

Paddle to the Sea: chapter 3
This week's chapter is when the ice melts slowly, forming a canyon, until Paddle actually begins his journey to the sea. The little boy gets there just in time to see his boat start down the hill. I think I will freeze a large block of ice that we can place on the table in the morning and watch how it melts--evenly and unevenly throughout the day.

Nature Study

Artist Study

Composer Study

Foreign Language

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